After looking through pinterest for ideas for a great reclaimed table, we decided it wasn't in our budget to buy one, so we started looking into making one. I found a blog with a DIY reclaimed table, and it seemed easy, but timely. When your remodeling your home, working, and caring for an infant, time is something you lack. Trey searched Craigslist for some used lumber anyhow, and came across Pieces of the Past in Johnson City, Texas. He decided to make the trip out there one day, and came home with 3 pieces of wood from the floor of an antique boxcar. He was also given the name of a local carpenter, Tony Romano, who could build the table for us.
All in all, the table ending up costing about $1000 cheaper than if we had bought it in a store. Not as cheap as if we had built it ourselves, but considering we don't have a spare second, it was worth every penny!
Wood, $70 per plank
Table, $500
Bench, $200
It turned out so beautiful. Way beyond our expectations.