Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Framing ultrasound photos, weird?

So, I got bored while Fia took her second 2-hour nap, and ran across her ultrasound pictures. Since I just made a cool collage with Hipstamatic prints, I decided to do the same with the ultrasound photos. I had an extra frame for her room that I hadn't yet filled, so I started cutting and pasting. I came up with this...

I love it, I think it's a great way to preserve and display these priceless prints of my little springroll. Trey on the other hand, thinks it's freaky. What do you think?!


  1. I love looking at them, but I don't know if I'd want mine framed. The 3D ones always kinda freaked me out. My sister has her daughters framed in her room and my eye is drawn to it, and not in a good way.

    :( hope honesty is welcome, don't mean to rain on your parade. It's a nice frame job though!

    1. Thanks for the honesty! I agree, it's kinda weird. But I put it in her nursery nonetheless. It's kinda hidden, and has grown on my fiance. Who knows if it will actually stay there forever though!
