Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Free swim classes!

Ever since Fia was 3 months old, I been taking her to a class called Bathtime Babies at Emlers swim school here in Austin. It's once a week for 16 weeks for babies between the ages of 2-6 months (they are flexible, give or take a month). And the best part is, IT'S FREE!!

If you've just had a baby, or have one within the age bracket, I highly recommend that you sign up for this class. Actually, I can't recommend it enough. It's a mommy and me class, and it's super fun. Not only will your little one become more comfortable in the water, but it's a great activity to get you out of the house, and meeting other moms.

Sadly, our 16 weeks have expired, and quite frankly it ain't cheap to take the next level class, Waterbabies, but...I'm doing it!! To me, it's worth every penny. In Texas, the number one cause of death for children under the age of 5, is drowning. I don't want to be a statistic. Besides that, it's really good exercise, and helps promote independence.

It's been so much fun watching Fia grow in the water. She kicks, strokes and puts her head comfortably near the surface. She even floats, and doesn't mind getting water in her ears, mouth, or eyes! This is a huge difference from her first class 16 weeks ago when she clung to my neck the entire time!

For more info check out Emlers website. I'm pretty sure they will be starting a new session soon, since mine just ended.

P.S. My friend Maya, who is an infant swim teacher on Maui, told me to take showers with Fia the minute her umbilical cord fell out. This way she could get use to water flowing over her head and eyes. To this day, 7 1/2 months later, we still haven't used her infant bathtub!

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